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Stem Cell FAQ

Where do these live stem cells come from?

We process the umbilical cord blood of healthy newborns. If a pregnant woman scheduled for cesarean section decides she does not want to keep and store her unborn child’s umbilical cord, her OB/GYN asks whether she would like to donate it. After she signs an informed consent form, a medical and social history review is conducted, as well as a blood test.

If the new mother meets all donor eligibility requirements, she is accepted as a donor. After her baby is born, the umbilical cord blood is collected in a sterile collection bag and sent to a lab.
The cord blood is processed within 48 hours using proprietary methods. A sample of the finished product is tested by an independent third-party lab for sterility. Only after all lab reports have passed the regulatory requirements can the umbilical cord stem cells be distributed.

Is stem cell therapy safe?

Stem cell products have the potential to treat a vast number of medical conditions. They’re already becoming a common alternative to risky, expensive surgeries in orthopedics, especially sports medicine, which has been treating athletes with regenerative therapies for over 20 years. However, the science demonstrating the benefits and safety behind each of these products is still in developmental stages.

That being said, thousands of studies around the world have demonstrated positive outcomes of stem cell use and show that stem cells derived from the umbilical cord are able to regulate our immune system more effectively than stem cells derived from bone marrow or fat.

Our stem cell product has been used successfully by practitioners all across the globe. Before embarking on any stem cell therapy, however, you should consult the clinical trials on the national health databases and always seek the advice of your healthcare provider.

Are umbilical cord stem cells FDA approved?

The FDA recently confirmed there is only one registered and approved stem cell product on the market: umbilical cord blood-derived hematopoietic progenitor cells (blood-forming stem cells) used for certain indications. While there is enormous promise in stem cell therapies, and thousands of ongoing experiments trying to establish efficacy, stem cell treatments do not yet meet the FDA’s scientific approval standard.

Practitioners tapping into this enormous promise of stem cells for any therapeutic use must exercise their professional judgment and expertise. We urge anyone embarking on the use of stem cell therapies to consult the national health databases to evaluate current clinical trial information, and the FDA’s website on human tissue, to get its current therapy evaluations.

In 2018 the FDA’s commissioner and research director reported that the agency will be incorporating some “new concepts for how small investigators and firms can seek and meet the approval standard for products through efficient expedited pathways.” You can keep up with the latest developments on the FDA’s website.

How many cells does it take to treat my tissue damage?

Worldwide clinical research and experience over almost 20 years have given us some effective parameters for various types of injury. After examining and assessing the nature and severity of your injury, medical history, and general health, your Liveyon provider will decide how many million cells are needed for fast, effective treatment.

Is it normal to have an inflammatory response after my Injection?

It is not uncommon to have an inflammatory response after a stem cell injection. This is not because your body is rejecting the cells. It may actually be a positive sign that the live cells are creating a healing response.

What are the risks or side effects of stem cell injections?

As with any other injection procedure, there is a small risk of bacterial infection not associated with the injected cells. If you experience severe pain, bleeding, or swelling at your injection site, or if you experience fever, nausea, dizziness, vomiting, or any other concerning symptoms, don’t wait—call your medical provider or seek emergency medical care right away.

Will I be given an anesthetic?

You may be given a small amount of local anesthetic to numb the needle pathway on your skin. However, your Liveyon provider will not apply large amounts of local anesthetic into the area being treated. Studies have shown that doing so may damage the nucleated cells.

How long does it take to get relief?

Pain relief typically begins immediately after your treatment. Regeneration time varies depending on the severity of your injury and your ability to follow post-treatment care instructions, along with your rehabilitation program to strengthen affected areas.

Experience the Healing Power of Regenerative Medicine!

Contact Our Team and See if Stem Cell Therapy is Right for You.


Recovery doesn’t happen in a day, and neither does a painless life, but regenerative medicine does ensure long-lasting results without surgery or prescribed medication. We offer regenerative medicine seminars which inform patients about our various treatments at our practice, this includes, stem cell therapy, platelet-rich plasma, chiropractic care, and more! Contact our team today and start your journey to recovery.


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