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Male Pattern Baldness Hair Restoration

How do we deliver the best hair loss treatment for men? By introducing stem cells and growth factors to your scalp that improve the health of your hair follicles, and may even stimulate the growth of new ones.

Because every man’s hair loss is unique, we work with each patient to determine exactly how many stem cells to deliver where, and for how long. By synergizing science and artistry, we deliver a treatment as unique as your scalp.
For your custom hair restoration plan schedule a consultation with our highly skilled, discreet LUMA Restore specialist.

What causes men’s hair loss?

Losing some hair during the telogen hair growth cycle is perfectly normal. When you see a white bulb on the end of a fallen hair strand, it means that the hair was lost at the root – an indication of temporary telogen effluvium – not male-pattern baldness.

Male pattern baldness, on the other hand, is caused by an inherited imbalance of sex hormones called androgens, which regulate sex drive and hair growth. Due to a complex, not yet fully understood combination of genes, pattern baldness sufferers have a sensitivity to dihydrotestosterone (DHT), a by-product of the androgen testosterone. DHT shrinks and shortens the lifespan of hair follicles, eventually causing them to stop producing hair.

Your genetic predisposition can be stimulated or exacerbated by:

    • extreme stress
    • smoking
    • fungal growth
    • protein or vitamin deficiency
    • autoimmune disease
    • UV ray overexposure or heat styling

The conversion of crucial testosterone to harmful DHT progresses differently in each man but usually produces a receding hairline pattern – hair thinning from the crown, then upward. Though eventually aging follicles stop growing hair, they remain alive and open to re-stimulation.

Advantages of LUMA Restore Over Other Thinning Hair Remedies

The most invasive and expensive treatment for hair loss is a hair transplant. Surgeons use a scalpel to cut out a strip of scalp skin from the back of your head that has active hair growth and transplants it into balding areas of your scalp. Stitches are removed about 10 days later, and results aren’t usually seen until 8-12 months later. Hair transplant side effects are well documented. But even without them, hair transplants are:

    • risky: can cause scarring or infection
    • painful: require cutting scalp tissue
    • costly: this surgery can cost up to $15,000
    • time-consuming: requires monthly maintenance, and often multiple treatments
    • medication-paired: antibiotics, pain meds and anti-inflammatories required
    • Medications like Minoxidil, Finasteride and Spironolactone can restore some of your hair, by blocking androgen production.

However these pharmaceuticals may also cause:

    • low blood pressure or irregular heartbeat
    • breast growth
    • difficulty urinating
    • testicle damage
    • headaches and nausea
    • fatigue and decreased libido

Instead of waiting for incisions to heal, or saddling yourself with pill bottles indefinitely, Luma Restore enables your scalp to regenerate its own hair follicles. It requires just 3 – 6 stem cell therapy sessions, and you may see new hair growth as soon as two weeks later.

No scars, no bottles, no side effects. Just consistent live-cell product that yields significant results making you look younger, healthier and more attractive.

How does LUMA Restore help me grow back my hair?

Each of your hairs is anchored into your skin by a follicle. Hair bulbs, which form the base of follicles, house living cells that divide and grow to build a hair shaft. Blood vessels nourish the cells in the hair bulb and deliver hormones that modify hair growth and structure.

Research has demonstrated that stem cell-derived proteins can increase the proliferation rate of human follicular cells, improving hair growth and protecting dermal papilla cells from cytotoxic injury caused by androgens and reactive oxygen species. These proteins have been shown to enhance the elongation of human hair shafts.1

The cells in Liveyon’s homogenous cell product release a slew of cell signalers including: VEGF (vascular endothelial growth factor), FGF-2 (fibroblast basic growth factor) and IL-1ra (interleukin 1 receptor antagonist). These molecules have been shown to…

    • increase blood flow
    • generate new blood vessels
    • stimulate cell migration
    • promote healing so hair follicles can recover their youthful appearance

How long does it take to see results?

Like every man’s balding process, every man’s hair restoration pace will be unique. The duration and degree of your cellular regeneration will depend in large part on:

    • your age
    • your body and skin type
    • your genetic history
    • your degree of hair loss
    • your stress levels
    • your environmental toxin levels

As with all medical procedures, success rates will also vary depending on these factors. Many men begin to see results in a matter of days. The live cells your hair restoration specialist delivers to your scalp may continue producing human growth factors for weeks, sometimes even months. The hair you regrow can last up to 5 years.

Experience the Healing Power of Regenerative Medicine!

Contact Our Team and See if Stem Cell Therapy is Right for You.


Recovery doesn’t happen in a day, and neither does a painless life, but regenerative medicine does ensure long-lasting results without surgery or prescribed medication. We offer regenerative medicine seminars which inform patients about our various treatments at our practice, this includes, stem cell therapy, platelet-rich plasma, chiropractic care, and more! Contact our team today and start your journey to recovery.


97 Union St
Newton, MA 02459






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